Flag Across America Coordinators E-Mail: Sun, 7 Oct 2001 11:46:59 EDT
From: Captain Frank LaCorte


You are all beginning to receive helper/runner offers via email that has been generated from the Web site. If you are the only coordinator in your state, screen some of the offers of help and choose one or two as additional co-coordinators. E-mail me their name and email address and I will add them to the state coordinator list and they too will begin to receive all the email for your particular state.

A link that is very useful to help find volunteers is:


Type in your state (i.e. CT) and password. Your Password [will be issued separately].

This link will take you to a list of every helper volunteer from your state chronologically. It is a great way to go over each offer of help you have had. (Much easier than looking at each email when you get bogged down)

A link to the above page is included in the special Coordinator's Tools page:


I recommend you save this URL as a Bookmark or Favorite Place and check it often for updates. It has some very good links to email only your state group or other individual state groups without spamming the "entire coordinators email list" There are some other neat things there too and we'll be adding more.

  • Spokesperson: There should be a group leader in each state that I can check in with, without talking to the entire group of coordinators.

The tasks should be divided among each state coordinator group to include:

  • Media/PR: contact your local newspaper, radio stations and TV stations, utilize the Press Release from the Media page off the Website

  • Local/State Police contact

  • Grouping the runners and spacing them along the route. (The routes will follow in the southern states as soon as we are comfortable up here in the Northeast as the event will hit here first).

  • Logistics: Help is needed with working with local officials to ensure proper coordination and support. Assistance in transportation of runners from one point to another, Mike has made some progress with the VFW and American Legion nationally. Contact your local branch. As a primary introduction for the event utilize the PRESS RELEASE from the Media page of the Website.

  • Letters to all Governors of the States along the route have been sent out by the Governor of CT (the Head of the Governor's Union, well not quite a union... but Gov. Roland, CT; is the chief). His letter should arrive by Tuesday to your governor's office. Southern States will receive them at the end of next week. A copy of Governor Roland's letter to your governor will be available once we are assured your state's office has received it. With that, you can make liaison with state police and law enforcement along the way. The Press Release from the Media page off the website and the Governor's letter should be the key that unlocks some of the obstacles along the way. (kudos to Mike)

  • I need to hear from each state coordinator every 3 days and as the run approaches your state I would like to hear from you every day. If you are going to be out on a trip have a co-coordinator call but I must have contact as the event approaches your state. My phone number is 203 555-5555. Cell: 203 555-5555 if you leave a voice mail include your state, your name, and phone number. Gary Rivenson and I will be jointly overseeing the state coordinators. His email is Griv@epix.net

Communications Tips:

Every local and national coordinator of this event gets all e-mails sent to coordinators-list@flagrun.org e-mail list. As this event continues to gather steam, the quantity of overall e-mail received by those involved will increase dramatically. As a courtesy to all, before sending e-mail to coordinators-list@flagrun.org, please consider if narrower distribution would suffice. Also when replying to list messages, consider whether the reply needs to go to all. We have set up the following role-based addresses to targeted communication:

If you feel there are web services we could be offering to coordinators, runners, or to the general public, please send your suggestions and requests directly to Mark Hunnibell at webmaster@flagrun2001.org.


Captain Frank LaCorte
American Airlines

Coordinator's Tool Kit Page

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