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We've had a ton of calls/emails all with the same question, "How can I help??" Over the next couple of days we expect to hear from many organizations responding to the disaster in New York and Washington DC. They will need our help and assistance in many ways. We will attempt to bring you the needs of these organizations as the information becomes available to us. American Red Cross: continues to provide around-the-clock relief and address the immediate disaster relief needs for survivors, the families of victims and rescue workers. Trained and compassionate Red Cross relief personnel are on the scene across New York, around the Pentagon, in Somerset County, Pennsylvania and other areas where people have been affected by Tuesday's devastating attacks-Boston, Newark, Los Angeles, San Francisco and elsewhere.
During our live broadcasts at Lenox Square September 13th &14 and through donations at Simon Malls, 99X and Q100 collected almost $500,000 todate. We would like to thank the following companies for their support of our efforts during our live broadcast: McDonalds, Caribou Coffee, Seatle's Best, Starbucks, Krispy Kreme, Cafe Tu Tu Tango, Cinnabon, Einstein Bros., Buckhead Bread Co., Double Tree Suites, The Great Steak and Potato Co., Clubhouse @ Lenox, Prime (sushi), Arby's, Red Bull, Blooming Cookies, Lindt, Papa Johns, Autozone and Grand Central Pizza. Also, big huge thanks to: Lenox as well as all Simon mall properties, Suntrust bank (Amy and Michael), and Event Security Specialists (Chris and Tyrone). Those donations can be dropped off at:
Flag Across America October 11th - November 11th, as a demonstration of American resolve and in support of the victims' families, employees of American Airlines, United Airlines, and Military Service Members will carry a United States flag as they run across the country. Routing will proceed from Boston, through: New York, Washington, Atlanta, Dallas, Oklahoma City, Albuquerque, Phoenix, and Los Angeles -- These cities represent the origination and destination of American Flight 11 and United Flight 175, highjacked on September 11th. The current location of the flag can been found at the official site, FlagRun.org. Information on how you can participate or make a donation is also included. The flag will be in Atlanta on or about October 21st. The September 11th fund was set up by The United Way to respond to the immediate need of the victims, their families and the communities most effected by the events of September 11th. The funds will be administered by a committee to ensure the resources are deployed effectively in New York and other cities affected by the tragedy. To donate, mail checks to September 11 Fund, United Way of Metro Atlanta, P.O Box 2692, Atlanta, GA 30371 WB 36 has set up a disaster relief fund. Donations will be distributed to nonprofit agencies to aid victims and their families. The McCormick Tribune Foundation will match funds raised upto 2.5 million. Make checks payable to The WB36 Disaster Relief Fund and send to 1 Monroe Place, Atlanta GA 30324 or go to www.wb36.com The International Association of Fire Fighters has set up the New York Firefighters 9-11 disaster relief fund. The money will go directly to the families of the fallen fire fighters and EMS personnel in New York City. Send Checks payable to the "The New York Firefighters 9-11 Relief Fund: P.O. box 65858, Washington D.C 20035-5858 or go to www.iaff.org The Metropolitan Washington Council of the AFL-CIO has set up a fund to help working people and their families touched by the Pentagon and World Trade Center attacks. Send donations to Community Services Agency, Disaster Fund, 1925 K St. NW, Suite 410, Washington, D.C. 20006. For more information on the union relief effort, see www.aflcio.org. The National Association of Realtors has set up a relief fund to help pay the mortgage and rental costs of victims. Send donations to Realtors Housing Relief Fund, 430 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill. 60611, or call 800-874-6500. The Flight Attendant Disaster Relief Fund has been set up to help the families of those flight attendants who lost their lives on September 11th. Please send donations to the Association of Flight Attendants, 1275 K Street NW. 5th floor, Washington D.C, 20005 The Survivor's Fund of the Community Foundation of the National Capital Region will focus on the long-term educational, health, income, maintenance and other need of individual victims and their families in the Washington D. C. region. The Twin Towers Fund established by New York City Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani. It's purpose is to assist the families of the members of the NY uniformed services who lost their lives in the World Trade Center Tragedies. Please send checks and money orders to Twin Towers Fund, General Post Office, PO Box 26999. New York, NY 10087-6999 New York State World Trade Center Relief Fund: Governor George E. Pataki urges all New Yorkers and concerned Americans who wish to support the World Trade Center emergency response and victim support effort to make a contribution to the newly established New York State World Trade Center Relief Fund. New York State Central Donations Coordination Hotline - 800
801-8092. From the Lumpkin Co. Fire Department: There is fund that has been set up for our fellow firefighters families in NY that are victims in the terrorist attacks. International Association of Fire Fighters has set up a fund that will benefit the families of our countries bravest men behind the maltese cross. The outpouring of thanks, support and comments from our listeners for our coverage of this disaster has been overwhelming. Jimmy Baron of the Morning X has selected a few of the emails we've received that he would like to share with you. If you would like to let us know what you're feeling about this devastating event please email Jimmy. The AJC has posted a very interesting collection of newspaper front pages from around the US, Britain, Spain and Germany. Check out "Newspapers React Around The Globe" To offer information on the attacks on America visit http://www.ifccfbi.gov/ with your tips. We have returned to our normal on-air programming. Well, as normal as can be expected in this situation. We will continue to bring you the latest and greatest information on this disaster at 99.7 FM in Atlanta as we gather it. |
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