September 11 - United We Stand

Memorial Sites
Television Specials
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Moment of Silence
M-DCPS Headquarters
1450 NE Second Ave.
11:00 a.m.

This free service will
include a tribute to
victims, moment of
silence and chorus.

Miami-Dade Remembers
List of Events

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Patriot Day, 2002

Stories of Heroes

On the morning of September 11, 2001, our nation was attacked by terrorists, resulting in the death of thousands of innocent victims. We stood there and watched as the violence, horror and great sadness unfolded before our eyes.
That day we vowed to never forget what happened.

We honor those brave American men and women who sacrificed their lives to save others. They were true American Patriots. They gave their lives in defense of our liberty. Those whom we lost last September 11th will forever hold a cherished place in our hearts and in the history of our nation.

Miami-Dade County Public Schools honor the heroes of our nation.

Memorial Sites

911 Memorial Quilt

American Character Week

American Memorials

America Triumphant

Beamer Foundation

Bravest Memorial America Remembers September 11 Memorial

Encarta: One Year Later

Exhibit: Images from Ground Zero

Faith in People

FDNY Engine 6 Memorial

Flag Run

Flight 93

Flight 93 Memorial

In Loving Memory: Cantor Family Memorial

In Memory of Flight 11 911 Remembered

Museum of New York: 9/11/01

New York Times: Honoring the Rescuers

New York Times: Portrait of Grief

PBS:org: Heroes of Ground Zero

Remembering September 11, 2001

September's Mission

Time Magazine: Red, White & Blue

09/11 Facts... One Year Later

For Kids

How Kids Can Help

Time for Kids

High School for Heroes

The Story of the Flag




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