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September 19, 2002  
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Jackson/Clinton 10/24/01
Mississippians Carry 'Flag Across America'
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By Wilson Stribling

Leigh Puckett of Florence is about to become a vital link in a chain of events that's exciting patriotic Americans all over the country.

"I was in New York about a month before all this happened, and I just wanted to do something," she said, referring to the September 11th attacks. "Here in Mississippi I didn't really know what I could do. When they talked about it on the Today show and I saw that they were getting runners and they were coming through Mississippi, I signed on."

With that, she she was off and running on the hastily but carefully organized Flag Across America, set up by American and United Airlines.

"We began on October 11th," said American's Todd Wissing on the steps of the Mississippi state capitol building, "leaving the departure city of Boston just as Flight 11 and Flight 175 did." He says the intent is to symbolically finish the trip to Los Angeles -- somthing the actual airliners were unable to do on September 11.

This Mississippi leg took the local runners through downtown Jackson, then west along Highway 80 where the waiting crowds cheered and honked as the flag went by.

It arrived at the Wal-Mart in Clinton just before 10:00 a.m. Wednesday, where a group of students from Hillcrest Christian School were waiting to take the flag on to Vicksburg.

"This is good for the country," said senior Bradley Burleson. "We're showing our support just all banding together."

It was also an excuse for others to bring out their own flags in an impromptu display of patriotism.

Clinton Mayor Rosemary Aultman was pleased to see all the supporters.

"I think it's one way -- since we're so physically removed from a lot that's gone on -- it's our way of saying we're here, we're behind you and we're supporting you," she said.

To track the flag's progress, click here.

Also on the Web
Flag Across America
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