New runners,
I'm getting a lot of e-mail from new runners that are interested in running the flag in Arizona. We welcome all the support we can get and please forgive me for the non-personnal way that I'm sending this message out to you. Time contraints proclude us (coordinators) from arranging a direct communication with you, but please feel welcome to join in on the route where you would like (times and location on the web site).
We need some more support out near the Salt River Canyon on the 7th. There is a Chevron gas station near Carrizo, and we will pass by there at 11:37pm. This a tough segment of the flagrun please be prepared.
One note of caution or advisement that I' sure all of you would honor. That is that many special areas (ex.Capitol Builing) have police, fireman, and other greatly affected individuals of 9-11 running by that area. Please join me in spectating in those areas and cheering on the flag.
God Bless, Hope to see you out there, come say hello to the RV coordinator (problably me) and we will fit you in. Also T-shirts for sale. $15 dollars.
Ken White
American Airlines First Officer 767.
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