My husband, Greg and I arrived in Parker, AZ on 11/9 with the idea that the Flag might need a little more support in the emptiness of the California desert. This was one of the best decisions we've ever made.
As we lined up on the California side of the bridge, it was clear that Arizona wasn't ready to give up the Flag. We were charged to be strong, to hold the Flag higher than anything else, and to remember and honor our friends who were murdered on September 11th. Thanks, Arizona for a great transition!
Sven Davidson, our California Coordinator, presented the Flag to the tribal chief of the Mojave Indians, who carried it for 17 miles, finishing their leg with a prayer and blessing.
Meanwhile, the Desert Rats started coalescing. Fred (AAL) and Geri from Oceanside; a lean guy (sorry I don't remember your name!) who looked like he could run the entire way by himself; Lori & her brother Brian from New Mexico who'd run with the Flag there and had to come to California; Jim (UAL) and his buddy Neil from Benicia and Joe Mac (AAL) who ran a blistering pace for 17 miles all uphill in the dark; Greg & me from Redding; a couple of LA Hash House harriers, in the greatest flag print shorts & tops. Besides our assigned legs, we continued on to give support (and receive so much more)!
We rejoined the Flag in Los Angeles, a reunion of the Desert Rats. While the "new" runners took over their segments, we were content to follow along in the back, creating a Pack. The pace was a lot slower now; we'd made up the time we were behind at the border.
Beyond words:
What started as a 3.5 run evolved into a 3 day pilgrimage where we made new friends -- and new bond of AAmericans United.
Denise Boehle
Redding, CA
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