October 24, 2001
Dear Runners, The tee-shirt thing took on a life of its own for the Flag Run as there was a greater response to this event than ever imagined. In Connecticut, we started out with a hundred tee shirts, which were given to our runners, and we ran out. The rest of you were promised shirts and have been waiting patiently. Shirts are being printed up now. This message is two-fold. The shirts will be available for purchase on the web soon, www.flagrun2001.org. We can honor the free tee shirt offer in Connecticut and I request that, if you registered to run on the web site AND showed up (we kept of list of names but not addresses), please e-mail me the following: your full name, address, phone, and shirt size. I have a new e-mail address (the SNET one is kaput). Use KDMalley@aol.com (if you're using my Yahoo address, that still works). Here's the two-fold part. The Flag Run objective is to run the Flag from Boston to L.A., and Mike's dream is becoming reality. The response to this objective, by the runners and by our nation as a whole, has been unbelievable. When many of you signed on to run or volunteer, you asked about taking pledges, or how the fund-raising was done, and we down-played that. We still wish to emphasize that our original goal (in the words of one of our pilots, "to honor our fallen peers and demonstrate national pride and resolve"), but we may have fallen short in emphasizing the fund-raising aspect, and do not want to disappoint those we are trying to help, the families of the victims on the planes. Therefore, we have set a fund-raising goal of $1 million dollars in donations after expenses. In order to achieve this goal, we are asking for a couple of things. First, we are encouraging a donation of $5 for the tee-shirt, which covers the cost to us and shipping, if at all possible, instead of free tee-shirts to runners. This $5 quote is only for runners. The cost to the general public will be slightly higher. And I emphasize, we will honor the free offer, but wish to make this suggestion as an alternative to help meet our fund-raising goal. Moreover, we are asking everyone involved to go to the web site and make a donation, $5, $10, whatever amount, anything will help. And finally, tell everyone you know, refer them to www.flagrun2001.org, and ask them to consider making a donation. Brainstorm any contacts you have for possible corporate sponsors and give them a heads up. The question of the hour is where/how to make a donation. Here it is, you have several options. An online transaction at http://www.flagrun2001.org/spondon/html or write check and mail to:
Americans United Flag Across America or call to put on debit/credit card at 800-555-5555. Go this route if you're going to throw in the $5 cost of the shirt, this is the simplest plan. Meanwhile, I am making labels and waiting for shirts from the printer. Again, I cannot thank you enough for all you have done to make this Flag Run not only possible, but an unforgettable event. Running will never be the same for me, I know this now.
On behalf of the Connecticut Coordinators, |
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