New Mexico Flag Run Final Party Information
November 27, 2001
- The Flag Run party will be in held in Albuquerque Saturday, December 8
from 3 - 6 pm in the community room of the Bernalillo County Sheriff’s sub
station (the William Sibrava Sub-Station) at 10401 Holly NE, Albuquerque.
The station is located at the intersection of Eubank and Holly on the east
side of the street. This is just one short block north of Paseo del Norte.
Look for the tall radio tower complex. Parking is on the east side of the
building. The entrance is on the south side next to the large arch on the
side of the building. Telephone number is 505-555-5555. If you get lost
on the way, call my cell phone at (505) 555-5555 and I can give you vectors
to the building.
- We are asking everyone to bring a snack for about 6 people. We will
provide soft drinks, ice, cups, paper plates and napkins. Regulations
prohibit any alcohol or tobacco.
- The purpose of the party is to get to meet everyone and to share our
Flag Run experiences with pictures and words. Please bring along any
pictures or other items that you would like to share with the rest of us.
I will have set up a video tape player and a computer projector so if
anyone wants to bring a video and/or a computer with photos, we can
accommodate that.
- There are a limited number of tee shirts still available for purchase.
The price is $15. The proceeds go to the airline victims of the September
11 terrorist attack.
- I am looking forward to meeting many of you with whom I have
corresponded by email but have not met. Please feel free to bring along
any friends or other family members who are interested in the Flag Run.
Any questions, suggestions, etc, either email ( or call me