October 11, 2001
Folks, I'm Gary Boettcher your Virginia Coordinator. I'd like to share some information with you concerning the up coming National Flag Run in Virginia. As the media gets a hold of this event and we get closer to the actual run through Virginia, the requests to run will flood in. Right now, I am busy coordinating police/fire escorts, obtaining permits, logging and cataloguing your names and email addresses so I can plot and then set the meeting points along the way. I am currently overwhelmed by the outcry of support by Virginians and requests to run. I estimate that by the end of Thursday I'll be unable to keep up with requests and organize the logistical support that is required by an event of this size. My plan therefore is to do this: I'll set the points along the projected run path. On our web site you will be able to see the path with associated times in map form. I will have a primary designated Flag carrier at each point along the run. I will email directly those primary carriers. Because this is such an emotional event, I will not turn down anyone who wants to run. If you are not a designated runner, you may pick your own spot to join in as the Flag goes by and run for as long as you desire. The actual Flag runner (identified by a special Tee shirt) may pass the Flag to you, to run with for a while, if you ask for it. Note the times that we will come through the Richmond area. I will have our Webmaster update the projected times every two hours or so once the run begins in Virginia so you can judge when to join in at a specific point. I strongly encourage each person to sign up at the web site because I will have people drop out for various reasons and will need replacement runners. I will try to provide some support to help get you back to your cars but cannot make any promises. It would be best if you come with a friend and place your cars, one at your start point and one close to your end point. We will be traveling down Route 1 exclusively so there should be plenty of parking options that time of night in the Richmond/Petersburg area. Please wear black running shorts/sweat pants, and if you can a black armband on your left arm. This run is a two-fold event. First is provides a way for someone to physically participate in an event that recognizes the travesties of September 11, 2001. Secondly, it is a FUND RAISER to help those who were, in the words of our President, adversely affected by the masters of "THE FACE OF EVIL". Contributions can be made right at the web site. I'll keep you posted as events warrant. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR PARTICIPATION.
Gary Boettcher
aacoach@juno.com |
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